SITUATED KNOWLEDGES – Art and Curating on the Move

25-27 June 2021

A parallel conference and workshop event of Shared Campus
at Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong
and Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich

Led by Prof. Dr. Dorothee Richter (ZHdK), Dr. Cedric Maridet (HKBU)
Organisation: Ronald Kolb (ZHdK)


Globalization does not only mean expanding production, consumption and communication, and thus creating new collaborations. It also evokes new forms of cultural identity, distinction, coalescence, ambiguity, projection or transformation, as well as new experiences of difference or belonging. However, their redefinition in the face of globalization means that the cultural coordinates of the present also produce new perspectives on histories, genealogies or traditions, as well as new designs on the future visions. These form and articulate themselves not least in contemporary arts. We want to understand and explore these processes through situated knowledges.

The term “situated knowledges” coined by Donna Haraway is a central topic in her concept of feminist objectivity. In her much-cited essay "Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective" (1988), Haraway assumes that all scientific knowledge is fundamentally conditional. For this reason, the concept of Situated Knowledge incorporates the social location and contextual advantages of the researcher into the research process.[1] Against an assumption of an apparently neutral and unmediated knowledge of the (male, white) Western idea of science and its representation through overview visualization techniques, Haraway develops her concept of embodied knowledges by drawing on a description of the eye and "vision" (in the broad real and metaphorical sense). There is no such thing as unconditional observation, she argues, because every "acquisition of knowledge" takes place in a dynamic "apparatus of bodily production".

With this in mind the conference invites artists, curators, educators, and scholars from the Shared Campus partners and beyond to engage in this programme of public talks and discussions as well as participatory Zoom workshops.

[1] Donna Haraway, “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective”, in: Feminist Studies 14 (1988), 3, p. 575–599, here p. 591.

Conference Programme

Friday, June 25

10:00am – 10:15am CEST / 4:00 – 4.10pm HKT
Opening remarks

10:15am –11:40pm CEST / 4:10–5:40pm HKT
Once Upon a Place
Panel discussion with Lucy Steeds (Afterall, UAL) with John Tain (Head of Research, Asia Art Archive)

12:00 – 12:40pm CEST / 6:00 – 6:40pm HKT
Situating the São Paulo Biennial 2020-21
Round table discussion with Michael Asbury and Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, Paulo Miyada, Carla Zaccagnini, Francesco Stocchi, Ruth Estevez, Elvira Dyangani Ose

1:00 – 4:00pm CEST / 7:00 – 10:00pm HKT
Five Workshops:

Workshop 1

Situated Knowledges, Situated Works
With Bo Choy & Chloe Ting (Afterall, UAL)

Workshop 2

Curatorial Pitch Karaoke
With Gesyada Siregar & Angga Wijaya (Ruangrupa/Gudskul)

Workshop 3

Curing the Archive Fever: Filling the Gaps through Situatedness
With Antonio Cataldo (PhD researcher, Curating, ZHdK)

Workshop 4

Attunement with More-than-Human Worlds
With Karmen Franinovic, Roman Kirschner (Design, ZHdK)

Workshop 5

With Nadim Abbas, Rose Li, Edward Sanderson, Lang Tu (PhD researchers, HKBU)

Saturday, June 26

10:00am –12:00pm CEST / 4:00 – 6:00pm HKT
Talk with Jeanne van Heeswijk

1:00 – 4:00pm CEST / 7:00 – 10:00pm HKT
Five Workshops:

Workshop 6

Round table discussion: Transposition
With Ron Yakir, Li Xiaoqiao and Rose Li (PhD researchers, HKBU)

Workshop 7

Whisper game: practising attention through caring and pacing
With Basia Sliwinska and Caroline Stevenson (UAL)

Workshop 8

Integrated and Immersive approaches in curatorial practices: Highlighting the Hong Kong art history (1980s-1990s) in the realm of the contemporary era.
With Janet Fong (Curator, Research Assistant Professor, AVA, HKBU) with Choi Yan Chi, May Fung, and Lo Yin Shan.

Workshop 9

Scores – From Situated Knowledges to Shared Action
With Dorothee Richter and Ronald Kolb (MAS Curating, ZHdK)

Workshop 10

Transforming Situated Experience into Situated Knowledges
With Katalin Erdődi (PhD researcher, Curating, ZHdK)

Sunday, June 27

10:00 – 11:10am CEST / 4:00 –5:10pm HKT
Situating the Gap
Talk with Angela Dimitrakaki

11:20 – 12:30 am CEST / 5:20 – 6:30 pm HKT
Against Political Naturalism
Talk with Yuk Hui

7:00 – 10:00pm HKT / 1:00 – 4:00pm CEST
Five Workshops:

Workshop 11

Cloth Knowledge: Sculpting with a Missing Corner
Debe Sham (PhD researcher, HKBU) and Georgia Kennedy

Workshop 12

Situated Knowledges and Multidirectional Memory
With Noit Banai and Dani Gal

Workshop 13

Emancipating Alexa
With Maayan Sheleff (PhD researcher, Curating, ZHdK) and Ruth Patir

Workshop 14

Digital Choreography
With Be van Vark

Workshop 15

Six Degrees of Separation: Curatorial Practice/Objects of Desire
With Alison Green and Lee Weinberg (UAL, MA Culture, Criticism and Curation)


Registration for public presentations:

All talks are open to public. This registration link gives access to all three days.
Webinar registration HERE

Registration for Workshops:

Students and staff of the Shared Campus related universities can register until June 5th, 2021 for a workshop. After this date the workshop will be opened to external guests. The final registration date is June 15h, 2021.

Please be aware that there is a maximum number of participants. We will inform you directly after the registration. If you are unable to attend after all, let us know as soon as possible, so that others can join the workshop. You can find the registration links with the detailed workshop descriptions.

For further questions, please contact Ronald Kolb:

Detailed Programme

Talk: Against Political Naturalism


Workshop 12: Situated Knowledges and Multidirectional Memory


Workshop 13: Emancipating Alexa


Workshop 14: Digital Choreography


Workshop 15: Six Degrees of Separation: Curatorial Practice/Objects of Desire


Workshop 11: Cloth Knowledge: Sculpting with a Missing Corner


Talk: Situating the Gap


Workshop 10: Transforming Situated Experience into Situated Knowledges


Workshop 09: Scores – From Situated Knowledges to Shared Action


Talk with Jeanne van Heeswijk


Workshop 01: Situated Knowledges, Situated Works


Workshop 02: Curatorial Pitch Karaoke


Workshop 03: Curing the Archive Fever: Filling the Gaps through Situatedness


Workshop 05: FoMO FREE RADIO


Talk: Once Upon a Place

Panel discussion with Lucy Steeds (Afterall, UAL) with John Tain (Head of Research, Asia Art Archive)


Workshop 04: Attunement with More-than-Human Worlds
