Some questions Kelly Snook will address in the interview include:
Are the scientific and the artistic modes of thinking simply complementary, or are they more deeply aligned? Are they simply different facets of our curiosity about the world in which we find ourselves?
Do aesthetic and artistic modes of thought still play a role within science? For example, in the widespread belief that a theory which is "elegant" is more likely to be correct?
Kelly’s current major project Concordia is described as "an immersive musical instrument for scientific exploration". What is this unique invention?
"As humans we have artificially divided ourselves, our pursuits, and ultimately our reality into boxes that no longer apply and that no longer serve us." What is the way out of this impasse?
Establishing relationships between branches of knowledge that have become separate seems to carry a deeply political resonance in our present era. Do you see your work as being political?
Professor Kelly Snook, of NASA and the University of Brighton (UK), is the creator of the Kepler Concordia: A new musical instrument for the investigation of realities. In this podcast, Professor Snook will be talking with Richard Reynolds, Course Leader of MA Applied Imagination, at Central Saint Martins.
#curiosity, #aesthetic, #artistic, #music, #science, #elegance, #concordia, #exploration, #invention