26 August 2023
14.00 - 16.00 CET
London, Room C202, Second Floor, Central St Martins, Granary Square N1C 4AA and via Live Zoom in Zurich
Eventbrite page for people to sign up to the live event here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/shared-campus-festival-natures-of-pop-worldbuilding-tickets-696665424037
attend online ZOOM LINK
An interactive event led by Zuleika Lebow and Cai Tuomivaara supported by Ama Josephine B. Johnstone and Nadine Monem.
Fantasy and science fiction have repeatedly used worldbuilding as a manifestation of nature within culture. This event situates worldbuilding in the context of both pop culture and the narrative arts - and then moves to a creative and interactive phase. The event will be led by five remarkable worldbuilders from Central Saint Martins.
From our end, we are hoping to have live gameplay from some of our associates playing online, while footage of the in-person attendees also plays, so we will need to pin two videos on the day. For the Worldbuilding performance, we will be using my Zoom account, zul.lebow@gmail.com. I assume Lee will be using her own Zoom.