Conversations with Ten Thousand Things 與萬物對談 serve as an ECO chamber, an open space in which we can engage with each other on today's pressing issues.
This event is intended as a kick-off, to initiate exchange before our 2021 activities get underway.

Critical Ecologies group members and invited guests:
Adam Bobbette (Cultural geographer | Sydney), Manray Hsu (Curator | Taipei), Margarida Mendes (Curator | Lisbon), Architecture for Refugees SCHWEIZ (Association for Inclusion of Refugees | Zurich), Sanchayan Ghosh (Artist | Kolkata & Santiniketan), and Jovana Dikovic (Social anthropologist | Zurich).

Everybody is invited to join, either in Zurich at Toni Areal or online via Zoom.

Probebühne ZT1.D10, Toni Areal, Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zürich